ESRE is deeply engaged in the new European Space Partnership officially launched in September 2024. This new co-programmed partnership entitled “Globally Competitive Space Systems” aims at reinforcing the competitiveness of the European space sector through fostering dedicated applied research.

Within this Partnership, ESRE is a founding member and member of the Board of the S.P.A.C.E. association, along with other associations representing the whole EU space research players (Prime industry, SMEs, RTOs and Academia). Through S.P.A.C.E. and with the European Commission, ESRE is partaking to orient the EU collaborative research on space on the basis of a multiannual programming, thus ensuring that it consistently fits the need for a greater competitiveness and dedication to servicing EU citizens.

Telecommunications, Earth Observation and associated ground segments on the one hand, smart technologies for launchers and innovative solutions for space transport on the other hand are in the scope of the Partnership. Its budget amounts up to 100M€ over the period 2025-2027.

In this framework, S.P.A.C.E. already issued an overall framework document covering the whole period and some recommendations for the implementation of the 2025 work programme.